Monday, May 21, 2012

Just Call Me a Pesce-Pollotarian

August will be three years now that I haven't eaten red meat. After having my gallbladder out, I would get sick every time I'd eat even a few bites. Easiest way to cure that...just quit eating it.

In January 2010, I did a 30 day vegetarian pledge. I actually got addicted to it and decided to see how long I could go without any meat. I lasted six months til I added fish back into my diet. Other than that, I had gone so long already that I refused to eat any other meats. It became an obsession to see how long I could do this for. Nobody thought I could continue much longer.

It is now May 2012, and as of today, I ate my first piece of chicken in over two years. It took me about fifteen minutes of staring at it til I had the nerve to take a bite. No cravings for it at all. Just started getting tired of ONLY fish. Decided I am going to add poultry back into my diet. It gives me more options for dinners. It's really difficult for Chris and I to have healthy dinners together. We always have to cook separate and this way to, I can make more healthy meals that he will enjoy as well.

Still no red meat or pork for me. I am pretty positive my body will not agree with it to well! I guess now, you can consider me a Pesce-Pollotarian (only poultry and fish...or white meat).


  1. I am thinking of doing this. I have been getting sick a lot ever since I had my gallbladder removed also and I now I have fibromyalgia and arthritis and I am only 41. So I have been trying to cut out meat but I am having a hard time not having chicken , turkey, eggs.... and fish. So I'm thinking of doing the PP diet for a while and then working toward vegan from there. I hope that it will help my health problems. I have heard so many people and doctors push the vegetarian diet but I don't understand how it could help nerve pain.... I am just going to try all my options. Thanks for this post because I've only talked to people who could eat anything they wanted after having their gallbladder removed.

    1. I know what you mean. Everyone has always been like, "I can't believe you have those issues." I'm sorry, I can't help it. Lol. I did that for 3 years and I swear it healed me. My doctor said I had a lot of scar tissue built up, so when I'd eat meats, greases or anything heavy, my stomach would bloat causing lots of uncomfortable pain. Just couldn't take it! I now eat all meats, although I still try to refrain from beef and pork as much as possible since it isn't the best protein and other gallbladder related issues. I'd say try it for sure! It's really hard to replace protein when not eating any meat, and fish gets old after a while. I recommend light meats first like you said. Sounds like you're on track. Let me know how it goes! :)

    2. I got really sick about 2 yrs ago.. couldn't eat a thing. Well after numerous tests (endoscopy, colonoscopy, ibs diagnosis, gerd diagnosis) I had to have my gallbladder and appendix out. In the meantime, I discovered a big trigger for me was red meat. I had been wanting to become a vegetarian since I was a teenager, but with lack of support from my family (who had all the buying power when I was younger) if did not become a possibility until I moved out onto my own. And I don't miss if. I still occasionally eat chicken and fish, my husband is a meat eater and he supports me, but he eats meat like I crave other foods. It is easier for me to occasionally eat meat so our meal planning is easier. The dr's thought I was nuts for telling them I couldn't eat red meat anymore, no one would believe me. I would just get sick and throw it up. It's nice to read somewhere that I'm not alone.
